Are you scared of failing or feeling overwhelmed by the scope of a task?
Procrastination can be a significant barrier to achieving your goals. Procrastination is a common challenge that many people suffer from. Just to name a few, the symptoms are like: hindering productivity, causing stress, lacking proper motivation, fearing failure, poor time management and distractions. The worse scenario procrastination can make you feel is lethargy, bored and no sense of purpose.
The benefits you gain from Mindset Transformation session/s:
You will be guided into a deep state of relaxation during the session/s.
You will be amazed by the experience of observing how your subconscious mind identifies the root cause of your procrastination.
Helping you discover and comprehend the negative feelings, thoughts, and actions that are preventing you from moving forward.
Engaging your conscious mind actively so that you can easily find the solution and the motivation to complete tasks.
Putting an end to stress and anxiety by motivating your mind creatively.
Empowering Self-Acceptance and flexible solution to your routine.
For Long Lasting Outcome:
I will create a customized audio recording for you. The transformation recording will stimulate your subconscious mind each day for 21 days. Furthermore, I assist you with accomplishing your goal of managing your procrastination and carrying on with the life you deserve.
If you are keen to stop procrastinating and want to feel motivated and focused around getting tasks done, connect with Ranya AlHusaini to Boost your motivation and focus! Book your discovery call today by just clicking the button below.