I came to Ranya for excessive sweating and with that came the worry of not smelling fresh. Prior to Ranya, I suffered from excessive sweating for many years and tried every trick in the book, got my sweat gland nerves burned, and prescription products but it did not work.. It took huge toll on my self esteem and confidence. Amazingly, I found Ranya and she was very intuitive, confident in being able to help me overcome this issue. My session with Ranya was amazing. She helped guide me through the session and I came up with the root cause of my issue and it was truly magical to see how my mind came up with this issue. Since my session with Ranya my body drastically stopped producing so much sweat and I no longer worry about the odor. I am now full of confidence and living my life worry free and it has drastically increased my self worth in my eyes. Ranya is truly gifted hypnotherapist. She knows what she is doing and will transform your life. She is a gift from god and I am thankful to have came across getting a session with her. I recommend to anyone who has any issue that you are in the best hands with Ranya

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