Vicky, Jeddah

I was going through a hard time and felt unable to take a step forward in life towards the goals that I had set to achieve. I felt a block. It was during this time that I met Ranya and she started helping me with her encouraging words, continuous support , and coaching. I also had an RTT session with her that made me realize all the beliefs that I had that were of hindrance to my progress. She helped me unveil all the negative thoughts and beliefs that were causing my anxiety and lack of achieving my goals. She is caring, emphatic, very skilled in hypnotherapy. I listened to the recording that she had prepared for me for 21 days. It helped me think positively and gave me energy and support to work towards the goals that I wanted to achieve, finding a great partner and changing my job. As a result, I am feeling positive, more enthusiastic and already started putting more time and energy towards establishing a new career. Finding Ranya and seeking her help has been a blessing to me.

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